Can you count on Indian Medicines for Quality and Efficacy?
“I don’t trust Indian Medicines” said the person seating next to me on the flight. The Gentleman was traveling to Newyork. To cut the journey short and my honest need to educate the man I asked him”
Do you know that the largest number of USFDA manufacturing facilities outside the USA are in India?
India is a prominent exporter of Generic pharmaceutical medicines to the USA.
In fact, India is said to be the Pharmacy of the world.
Hearing this the Gentleman got more defensive, He said he read in the newspaper that Children died in some countries in Africa after consuming the syrup of a pharmaceutical company from India and also there was a similar incident in some parts of the country named Uzbekistan.
“Sure that is true and terrible and such companies should be heavily penalized and the promoters should be behind the bars,” I said.
“But you can judge the Indian companies providing quality medicines at the most affordable rates,” I said.
Those companies have a proven track record of serving for many years and that is one of the noble deeds to help mankind.
He said well he did not know that India has such good companies too.
India is a developing country yet has many leading Pharmaceutical companies like Sun Pharma, Zydus, Biocon, etc to name a few which are present in the USA and other first world countries and giving the best Pharmaceutical medicines to the citizens.
“Never judge the book by its cover,” I said and ended the discussion.